This is the first you will see of any promenade you select from the Paris plan, Site Index or Contents pages.
I - Double-clicking anywhere in the plan will zoom you in to the point you clicked upon. Less evident but just as useful is doing the same in pushing the Shift or Space key on your keyboard: as mentioned by this line of text, pressing the former in double-clicking will zoom you out, and pressing the latter in doing the same will reset the plan to its default magnification.
II - The semi-translucent and numbered points you see are points from which the photos you see in the scrolling menu to the right of the plan have been taken - hovering your mouse over one of them will expose its arrow showing you in what direction it was taken, and clicking upon it will open a photo to the upper-right of the window.
III - Hovering your mouse over any of these images will "light up" its corresponding plan point in the way mentioned above, and clicking upon them will open its larger version. To close the larger image, simply click upon it.
IV - There are three different promenade versions possible: The "combo" version where you find yourself now, or one of the three versions mentioned in these tabs: a) A "Gallery" version, or a wider version of the scrolling menu you see to your right, or b) a "Plan" version, where you can roam through a larger version of the plan you already see, but with larger images, or c) a "Text-only" version where you can read the promenade résumé without the bother of the moving plan or photos.